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> Waterproof Wire Splice Connector, Heavy-duty
Waterproof Wire Splice Connector, Heavy-duty
Waterproof Wire Splice Connector, Heavy-duty
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Most pet containment systems require that separate sections of wire be joined in order to create a continuous loop. Typically, fence kits include a few splices, but oftentimes we find that you’ll need more than are provided. Our waterproof wire splices allow you to safely and effectively join boundary wire segments with no hassle.
Use these splices with the containment system's included wire during the initial installation. Use it to add additional rolls of wire to increase your containment area. Use it to join regular wire to twisted wire. Or use it to repair broken wire later on. Using the proper connections and splices will also help to avoid wire breaks and system disruption in the future.
Recommended 3-5 splices for the first 500 feet of wire and 2 splices for each additional 500 feet. This will likely give you a few extras to keep on hand for future use.
Sold Individually.
Each splice includes...
1 waterproof insulator tube that is pre-filled with XR compound
1 heavy-duty wire connector nut
May be installed above or below ground
Less than .1% voltage leakage to ground - the lowest in the industry (this means moisture stays out and electricity stays in)
Insulator tube is UV resistant
Connector nut creates a secure positive grip for fast, easy installation that will not relax over time
Connector nut offers tough, durable thermoplastic shell
No pre-twisting required
No crimping tools needed
No waste, no mess - just quick, reliable underground slices
Recommended for use with any 16-gauge or 14-gauge containment wire
Can also be used with 18-gauge or 20-gauge wire
Made in USA
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