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> Ruff Land Double Wide Cackle Box, Bird Transport-Training Coop (9-inch)
Ruff Land Double Wide Cackle Box
Ruff Land Double Wide Cackle Box, Bird Transport-Training Coop (9-inch)
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Due to Ruff Land's extremely long lead time (16 weeks), we have discontinued sale of their products temporarily. We will resume sales if/when they are back to a reasonable lead time.
The Double Wide Cackle Box™ is a roto-molded transport container for pheasants and other game birds. It features a clever one-way door system that makes it easy to put birds in but won't let them get out - until you are ready to take them out (just turn box upside down so door falls away). Cackle Box™ is well ventilated and the best way yet to transport birds. Use for your pigeons, chukar, quail, pheasants or ducks.
White speckled
24" x 32" x 9"
| Openings:
10 3/8" x 5 3/8"
Please see the Terms & Conditions tab for important information about shipping.
CALL FOR SHIPPING QUOTE, we may be able to offer lower costs over the phone rather than what our real-time shipping calculator will present in the shopping cart. If you live in IA, MN, ND, NE, WI, SD, IL or MO, we can offer you shipping via SpeeDee Delivery at a significantly reduced rate.
We do not stock these items, they are drop shipped from the manufacturer in South Dakota.
Shipment lead times vary depending on time of year and order backlog.
If backordered, shipping could be delayed 3 weeks or longer.
The white speckled cackle boxes are usually in stock and ready to ship, but are subject to shipping lead times.
Shipping carrier is to be determined by the shipper based on best cost to delivery address.
CALL FOR SHIPPING QUOTE, we may be able to deliver to your area for cheaper than the shopping cart will calculate.
No returns are permitted for Ruff Land coops. All sales are final!
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Not for Sale
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