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> PetSafe Stay+Play Wireless Fence System
Stay+Play Wireless Fence System
PetSafe Stay+Play Wireless Fence System
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Your yard...Their play pen...Your peace of mind.
- sets up in minutes, just plug and play.
- can easily be used while traveling or taken to a new home if you move.
Safe and Secure
- provides a safety zone that your pet won't run through, dig under, or jump over.
Instant installation
- no burying wire.
- This system will support an unlimited number of collars (1 is included).
How it works:
Simply plug in the transmitter somewhere inconspicuously in your home. It emits a radio signal around your home. Your pet wears a lightweight receiver collar which "listens" for the signal. While it's receiving the signal, your dog is free to run and play. When it approaches the boundary of the signal area, it receives a warning beep. If it continues, it receives a light static energy pulse which is startling but not harmful. With a little training that is simple and quick, your pet quickly learns its boundaries. Setting the boundaries of your yard takes only a few minutes. Since the signal can transmit reliably through walls or other household obstructions, it can be placed in any convenient and discreet location in your house, typically a garage or other inconspicuous, but well-ventilated space.
Covers an adjustable circular area up to 3/4 acre.
Completely portable - no wire to bury.
Rechargeable Receiver/Collar quickly chargers in 2-3 hours.
Collar/Receiver is fully waterproof.
Suggested for dogs over 5 pounds with neck size from 6" to 23".
5 adjustable levels of correction plus tone only mode for training.
Set-up in 1-2 hours.
One-Year Warranty.
System Includes:
Transmitter with Power Adapter
Waterproof Receiver with Adjustable Collar
Receiver Charger
Operating and Training Guide.
50 Training Flags
Test Light Tool
Short and Long Contact Points for short or long-haired pets
Contact Point Wrench
Operating and Training Guide
PetSafe Stay+Play Wireless Fence System
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