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> Northern Bobwhite Quail, Chicks
Northern Bobwhite Quail, Chicks
Northern Bobwhite Quail, Chicks
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Due to COVID-19, we do not have access to any game birds for the current season. At this point we do not have an ETA for when they might be available again or whether or not we will be able to offer them anytime in the future. We're sorry for the inconvenience.
The Northern Bobwhite Quail is a small, quick, alert game bird with elegantly striped and speckled plumage. Distinguishable from the white throat and stripe over the eye, the Bobwhite Quail is native to North America and its plumage is effective camouflage in dry, grassy plains or snowy hills. The name "bobwhite" comes from it's characteristic whistling call and is one of the most familiar quails in Eastern North America because it is frequently the only species of quail in its range.
Like most game birds, the Northern Bobwhite is shy and elusive. When threatened it will crouch and freeze, relying on camouflage to stay undetected, but will flush in low flight if closely disturbed. Introduce Bobwhite Quail to your property for effective, natural insect control or use Bobwhite Quail for breeding, egg production or hunting.
Our Bobwhite Quail chicks are from some of the best genetics you will find. Our game bird farm has supplied many bird preserves as well as Quail Restoration Surrogator customers with chicks to raise and release on their own land with great success!
Day-old chicks are shipped weekly based on selected hatch date. *Hatch dates are subject to change without prior notice. We may need to shift your hatch date slightly to the closest available date on our hatchery's schedule.
April through November
Select your preferred Hatch Date
Quantities Available:
100 chicks
250 chicks
500 chicks
1000 chicks
These day-old chicks are shipped weekly based on selected hatch date until they are sold out.
We ship 4% overage with every order. Please pre-order for a preferred hatch date at least two-weeks in advance. Preferred hatch dates may or may not be kept based on availability. We will fulfill orders in the sequence they are received until sold out. If your order cannot be fulfilled due to supply, we will ship after the next available hatch date. Chicks will be shipped from one of our game bird farms located on the East Coast.
Payments will be captured at the time the order starts processing. Once an order status has changed from "New" to "Processing", it
cannot be canceled, no exceptions!
This is due to setting eggs in an incubator for specific hatch dates based on the quantity ordered.
Chicks will be shipped from one of our game bird farms located on the East Coast. USPS cannot guarantee overnight delivery to all destinations due to airport locations and flight schedules. Depending on your delivery destination Express Mail delivery times are within 24-48 hours. We do not ship on the weekends, shipments are made Monday - Thursday so deliveries can be made Tuesday - Saturday. Shipment may be delayed due to weather conditions.
Once live birds are handed to the US Postal Service for transport and delivery, their care is out of our hands and thus all associated risks must be acknowledged and accepted by the customer before an order can be fulfilled. Refunds will not be provided for DOA shipments, you must file a claim with the US Postal Service.
You must accept these terms and conditions by clicking the check box in the Acknowledgement section above before this item will be added into your shopping cart.
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